by Region

Republic of Kenya

No. Country name Name of Project Client Contract Term
1 Republic of Kenya
Republic of Tunisia
Republic of Cameroon
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Republic of Ghana
United Republic of Tanzania
Republic of Zambia
Argentine Republic
Republic of Singapore
Study on Standardizing KAIZEN Approaches for Further Dissemination and Deployment in Africa JICA 2017/04/03~2018/08/31
2 Republic of Kenya
Republic of Uganda
JICA Research Project on engagement and support of inclusive businesses towards poverty and disparity reduction and promotion of gender equality JICA 2017/02/17~2017/10/31
3 Republic of Kenya Study on Development Plan for Power Generation in the Republic of Kenya Japanese Comapany 2013/08/14~2013/11/30
4 Republic of Kenya Consultants to Support the Implementation of Yen Loan Projects JICA 2012/12/03~2013/03/11
5 Republic of Kenya Data Collection Survey on the Drought Impact and the Assistance Needs in the Northern Regions JICA 2011/10/24~2012/01/10